The Role of Perceived Organizational Justice on Job Involvement; Mediating Organizational Identification Test

Document Type : Original Article



Job involvement as an attitude is an important factor that contributes to the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization. Job involvement is based on the staff’s perception toward working environment and their jobs. It is based also on the integration of job and personal life. The low level of job involvement among staff leads to reducing performance at various levels of organization. Understanding this necessity, the present study aimed at investigating the role of perceived organizational justice on job involvement by mediating organizational identification among the faculty members of the state universities in Hamedan (N= 756). The research method was descriptive and correlational. Using the stratified random sampling commensurate with the size of each class, 255 subjects were selected. The research data were gathered by standard questionnaire and then analyzed by Lisrel and SPSS. The results showed that perceived organizational justice and the organizational identity had positive and significant relationship with job involvement. But, the relationship among the perceived organizational justice, the job involvement and the mediating organizational identification was not significant. Hence, one of the effective factors on job involvement among faculty members is to take the organizational justice and their organizational identity into consideration.   


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