The Psychometric Properties of the Flow Meta-Cognitions Scale according to Classical and Item-Response Theories

Document Type : Original Article



The present research aimed to study the psychometric properties of the flow Meta-cognitions scale according to classical and item- response theories. To this end, 296 students were selected by cluster sampling method and responded to the flow Meta cognitions scale, Meta cognition and positive Meta cognition and Meta emotion Questionnaires. Conformity factor analysis, general score-question relation and reliability analysis were used to study the psychometric properties scale. In addition, the Samijima graded response model was applied to determine the fitness of data and analysis. Factor analysis showed that the scale included two factors and an appropriate propriety indicator. There was a positive and significant relation between the flow Meta cognitions questionnaire with the Meta cognition (0.15) and the positive Meta cognition (0.36). According to Cronbach's alpha, the scale reliability was 0.749 for the belief that flow Fosters achievement and 0.692 for the confidence in the ability to self-regulate flow subscales. The data related to the responses had a suitable fitness with the Samijima model and the test awareness function in the range of -3 to +1 was a characteristic continuum. According to the findings, it can be concluded that the Persian form of flow Meta cognitions questionnaire has acceptable psychometric properties among Iranian student community and it can be used as a valid instrument for scientific research.


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