Facilitator factors: Predicting the levels of institutionalization of descriptive evaluation

Document Type : Original Article



The present study aimed to examine the prediction of the effectiveness of facilitating factors in institutionalization of descriptive evaluation. The correlation method was used for the descriptive study, and the statistical population included all the elementary teachers of Mashhad districts: 282 teachers were chosen using multi-stage cluster sampling. A researcher-made questionnaire consisting of 57 questions according to 8 facilitating factors presented by Ely and Surry States was used to collect data related to facilitating factors. Another researcher-made questionnaire consisting of 23 questions according to Hall and Hord’s ‘institutionalization checklist’ was used to collect data related to institutionalization levels. Following the data collection procedure, data were analyzed using SPSS21 software, the results of which indicated that 1) the majority of teachers were satisfied with the traditional evaluation; in their opinion, facilitating conditions of descriptive evaluation were inadequate for implementation of descriptive evaluation; 2) most teachers are located on three institutionalization levels and there is no significant meaning between the mean scores of facilitating factors according to four levels of institutionalization, i.e., levels one, two, three and four; 3) 10% of criterion variance through predictor variables can be established and 4) the result of the regression coefficients showed that the variables including knowledge, skills and commitment have a significant role in prediction of institutionalization of evaluation.    


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