Investigating the Approach of University Administrators towards the Change of Curriculum in University and Institutes of Higher Education

Document Type : Original Article



Present paper reports the findings of a qualitative study which aims to examine the approach of university administrators towards the change of curriculum in higher education institutes. Data were elicited from interviews with 17 participants who are involved as the policy makers, university administrators and curriculum developers in Iranian higher education. The qualitative approach of Graneheim & Lundman was used for the analysis of the interviews. The results showed four holistic approaches towards the change of curriculum among university administrators. Based on the first approach (supportive), the managers believe in these changes and use any resources at their disposal to apply these changes. In the second approach (non-supportive), however, managers are not in favor of these changes and they are not inclined to implement them. In the third approach (neutral), managers are not either for or against the changes and they are not willing to cooperate in their implementation. Finally in contingent approach, managers deeply believe in the changes and welcome them and consequently they try their best to implement these changes and put them into practice. 


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